32289 Rödinghausen
Tel.: +49 5226 59419 0
Fax: +49 5226 59419 27
E-Mail: info@stoermer-kuechen.de
Website: https://www.stoermer-kuechen.de
Störmer AG
Störmer has been designing and building modern, high-quality kitchen furniture since 1958 - always using the latest production technologies and for every lifestyle. Well thought-out furniture turns kitchen planners into architects - it is the basis for versatile, individual and convincing kitchens for every room and requirement - elegant, timeless or design-orientated. Störmer lives the exchange with trade partners and involves them in the development work: partnership is a special value and lived diversity is the basis for ever new ideas.
At two locations in East Westphalia (Rödinghausen and Enger), around 180 employees produce the diverse product range every day. The furniture is sold via qualified specialist retailers - worldwide. The export share is around 50%.
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Other certifications:

32289 Rödinghausen
Tel.: +49 5226 59419 0
Fax: +49 5226 59419 27
E-Mail: info@stoermer-kuechen.de
Website: https://www.stoermer-kuechen.de
Certification body:
RAL-Gütezeichen „Goldenes M“
Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V.
Friedrichstraße 13-15
90762 Fürth
Furniture Circular Sustainable | Furniture tested for harmful substances | Climate pact | ORIGINAL DGM Boxspring
Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel
Service GmbH
Friedrichstraße 13-15
90762 Fürth
Tel: +49 (0) 911 9509998-0
Product groups / manufacturer categories