96450 Coburg
Tel.: +49 9574 65470207
E-Mail: info@yvi-living.com
Website: https://www.yvi-living.de/
Sitzwelt GmbH
About us:
Yvi Living is a new brand of Sitzwelt GmbH, founded by experienced upholstered furniture manufacturers from Upper Franconia in Bavaria. The company closely collaborates with designers and craftsmen to realize creative ideas. The furniture combines design and function in a special way. Yvi serves as a synonym for the creativity inherent in the brand as well as the great joy in continually experimenting with new ideas. With Yvi, a curator has been created, so to speak, who develops furnishing suggestions from the designs.
RAL Quality Mark:
Other certifications:
Certification body:
RAL-Gütezeichen „Goldenes M“
Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V.
Friedrichstraße 13-15
90762 Fürth
Furniture Circular Sustainable | Furniture tested for harmful substances | Climate pact | ORIGINAL DGM Boxspring
Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel
Service GmbH
Friedrichstraße 13-15
90762 Fürth
Tel: +49 (0) 911 9509998-0
Product groups / manufacturer categories